My problem right now is that I can't seem to get text formatting to work. Not with Markdown and not with HTML. Below is my configuration and an example ...
Telegram supports styled text using message entities. A client that wants to send styled messages would simply have to integrate a Markdown/HTML parser.
The Telegram Bot channel supports basic Markdown-style formatting for messages. You can use Markdown to add bold text, italic text, inline links, and pre- ...
Telegram-send is a command-line tool to send messages and files over Telegram to your account, to a group or to a channel. It provides a simple interface ...
評分 4.6 (693) Here are the most useful HTML tags for Telegram text formatting in Markdown: <b></b> your text — bold; <i></i> your text — italics;
I got it working using the following code: const bot = new Telegraf(token); bot.telegram.sendMessage('my chat id', 'my text', { parse_mode: 'MarkdownV2' });